In June this year, members of the University of Travnik (Faculty of Education and Faculty of Technical Studies) participated in training at the American University in Armenia within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Inclusion”. The coordinator of Erasmus + INCLUSION project is Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts from Armenia. Training closed Work Package 1 for ensuring, understanding and clearly defining vulnerable and underrepresented groups at Universities in BiH and Armenia.
The training covered the presentation of the results of research conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Armenia, focusing on activities for the next phase which implies the development of the Master Plan, as well as the active participation of students in the promotion of Capacity Building in Higher Education.
The importance of training was also focused on the equipment needed in the further process of carrying out activities and working with groups of social dimensions at the Universities. There were 15 institutions from 5 countries: Armenia, Belgium, UK, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Our representatives together with colleagues from Belgium presented the purpose and results of the „SITE VISIT“ that happened in May 2017, as well as further recommendations for improving the attractiveness of these groups suggested by students.
U okviru Erasmus + projekta „Inclusion“ čiji je koordinator Republika Armenija (Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts), u mjesecu junu 2017. godine Univerzitet u Travniku ( Edukacijski fakultet i Fakultet za tehničke studije) učestvovali su na treningu na Američkom Univerzitetu u Armeniji u okviru završnice radnog paketa 1 koji uključuje pripremu za osiguravanje, razumijevanje i jasno definisanje ranjivih i slabo zastupljenih grupa na Univerzitetima u BiH i Armeniji. Trening je obuhvatio predstavljanje rezultata istraživanja obavljenih u Bosni i Hercegovini i Armeniji, usmjerenje aktivnosti za narednu fazu koja podrazumijeva izgradnju Master plana, kao i aktivno uključivanje studenata u promociju izgradnje kapaciteta u visokom obrazovnju, što je jedan od programa Erasmusa +. Važnost treninga bilo je i fokusiranje na opremu neophodnu u daljnjem procesu sprovođenja aktivnosti i rada sa grupama iz socijalnih dimenzija na Univerzitetima. Učestvovalo je 15 institucija iz 5 zemalja Armenija, Belgija, UK, Austrija i Bosna i Herzegovina. Naše predstavnice su zajedno sa kolegama iz Belgije predstavile svrhu i rezultate „SITE VISIT“ posjete koja je bila u maju tekuće godine, kao i daljnje preporuke za poboljšanje privlačenja ovih grupa od strane studenata.