Foto konkurs: „Studiranje kroz objektiv moje kolegice/mog kolege“
Platforma u okviru aktivnosti #VašGlas #VašaPriča, koju finansira Evropska Unija, a provodi Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija […]
Platforma u okviru aktivnosti #VašGlas #VašaPriča, koju finansira Evropska Unija, a provodi Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija […]
Edukacijski fakultet je bio domaćin Uvodne konferencije u okviru projekta TEACHER koji se realizira kroz ERASMUS+program. Newsletter Uvodne konferencije možete preuzeti ovdje.
The Introduction Conference on Competences in Early Childhood Education and Care was held on 18th and 19th of May, 2017. The main aim of the Conference was to gather all relevant stakeholders in the field of ECEC and to discuss how to embed competences in preschool teacher education curricula so that student competences better fit [...]
The first Kick-Off Meeting was held on 9-10 February, 2017 at the University of Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. All project partners attended this meeting. The main aim of the meeting was to present the objectives and expected results of the action. This project focuses on the innovation and modernization of first cycle academic studies in preschool teacher [...]
University of Travnik within WP1 –Capacity building ( Leader WUS) was a part of SITE VSIT which was organized by UNT in cooperation with partners from Belgium, UCLL (Helena Bijens and Liesbeth Spanjers ). The site visit took a place from 3rd to 6th May 2017. (2 working days+2 travel). NGO Partner SMOC (Sarajevo) contributed [...]
In the field of monitoring visit of the Erasmus+ programme, the National Erasmus+ Office BiH visited University of Travnik for the project “Inclusion” 574139-2016. The monitooring took a place at the University of Travnik, Faculty of Education on May 22nd. The purpose of the Monitoring visit was to learn about the activities realized and products [...]