Najava: Završna konferencija Inclusion projekta u Yervanu!

ERASMUS + projekt "INCLUSION" ulazi u svoju finalnu fazu. Završna konferencija, na kojoj će prisustvovati članovi konzoricija svih partnera: Bosna i Hercegovina, Armenija, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Belgija i Austrija, bit će održana  24. i 25. septembra u Yerevanu, Armenija. Ovo je prilika da se sumira sve do sada uradjeno, te otvore smjernice za budućnost inkluzivnog učenja [...]

Training on inclusive practices for highschool teaching staff

As part of the final year of implementation of the Erasmus + project "Inclusion", K2 Capacity Building for Higher Education, on June 14, 2019, a training course on inclusive practices for teaching staff of secondary schools in Central Bosnia Canton was held at the University of Travnik. Namely, this is an activity within the project [...]

By |2019-10-07T14:38:51+00:0014 Juna, 2019|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za Training on inclusive practices for highschool teaching staff


Representatives of the University of Travnik Mr. Maja Djuric, UNT Inclusion Project Coordinator and Nedzla Kadic, student at the Faculty of Education, University of Travnik, along with other members of the BH Consortium were in Graz at the Inclusion Project Coordinator meeting. The first working day of 5 countries focused on finalizing work packages two [...]

By |2019-10-07T14:24:10+00:0012 Marta, 2019|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za CONSORTUM MEETING GRAZ

Inclusion staff training, December 2018.

INKLUZIJA TRENING ZA NASTAVNO OSOBLJE   Erasmus+ Projekt „Inclusion“ K2 ( izgradnja kapaciteta visokog obrazovanja) u kojem je Univerzitet u Travniku jednakopravan partner sa 14 institucija u okviru projekta, 5 zemalja,  ulazi u ključne aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj prkatično manifestirati i utjecati na važnost inkluzivnog učenja i podučavanja. Konzorcij projekta zemalja koje učestvuju u [...]

By |2019-01-09T09:27:33+00:007 Januara, 2019|Događaji/Events, Događaji/Events, Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za Inclusion staff training, December 2018.


The idea of „Inclusion office“ was born  on one of the events within Inclusion Erasmus+ project. We thought that is good to include students to do something good for University, to develop Inclusion idea trought their perspective. There are five students who is  working in the office and they maked projects with inclusive stories, activities.  [...]

By |2019-10-07T14:41:02+00:007 Novembra, 2018|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za INCLUSION OFFICE, UNIVERSITY OF TRAVNIK

Training in Belgium, June 2018.

TRENING U BELGIJI   Predstavnice Univerziteta u Travnika u okviru projekta Erasmus+ INCLUSION, Mr. Maja Đurić, Mr. Dijana Rađo i Amna Tuzović boravile su tri dana na treningu u Belgijim, juni 2018. Cilj je bio steći kompetencije u okviru inkluzivnog učenja i podučavanja vezano za izgradnju kapaciteta visokog obrazovanja i izgradnje socijalnih dimenzija za inkluzivne [...]

By |2018-09-06T08:46:12+00:006 Septembra, 2018|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za Training in Belgium, June 2018.

Dissemination Conference, May 2018.

Dissemination Conference   Travnik, 10 and 11 May 2018 The two-day Erasmus+ Dissemination Conference "INCLUSION" has gone through the general satisfaction of the project partner with the working environment and hospitality of the University of Travnik, as well as the general conclusions related to the current work and the continuation of the project. In the [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:59:41+00:0026 Maja, 2018|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za Dissemination Conference, May 2018.

Training in Belgium

Representatives of the University of Travnik doc. Dr. Amra Tuzović, Quality Assurance Manager UNT, mr. Maja Đurić, Project Coordinator on behalf of University and Student  Nedžla Kadić were at the University of Leuven-Limburg, Belgium for two days on the opening of a second work package as part of the "Inclusion" project. This work package, which [...]

By |2018-01-06T12:52:15+00:006 Januara, 2018|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za Training in Belgium

Razmjene iskustva i dobre prakse u implementaciji Erasmus + projekata

Dana 2.novembra 2107. godine predstavnice Univerziteta u Travniku prisustvovale su okruglom stolu za predstavnike službi za međunarodnu suradnju visokoškolskih institucija u Bosni i Hercegovini u cilju "Razmjene iskustva i dobre prakse u implementaciji Erasmus + projekata". Cilj okruglog stola je bio prenjeti kako pozitivna, tako i negativna iskustva i implementaciji Erasmus + projekata u BiH, razgovarati sa [...]

By |2017-11-06T18:55:10+00:006 Novembra, 2017|Događaji/Events-Inclusion, Vijesti FRONT 2017|Komentari isključeni za Razmjene iskustva i dobre prakse u implementaciji Erasmus + projekata


Within the framework of the ERASMUS + project "INCLUSION" at the Faculty of Education, University of Travnik, on September 30th 2017, the Round Table was held.    To note, this project is part of the K2 programe ( Building the Capacity of Higher Education, title: "Development and Implementation of Social Dimension Strategies in Armenia and Bosna [...]

By |2017-10-24T20:16:07+00:0024 Oktobra, 2017|Događaji/Events-Inclusion|Komentari isključeni za ROUND TABLE ( ORUGLI STOL)
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