As a part of Work Package 1 – “preparation” and research phase of the ERASMUS+ project „INCLUSION“, University of Travnik (Faculty of Education and Faculty of Technical Studies), on March 17th 2017 organized research conducted over the management, teaching, technical and administrative staff and students.
The objectives of work package (WP1- strengthening capacity) are:
• Assess the current situation regarding the implementation of the social dimension (SD) in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Armenia with a focus on PCUs
• Identify entry points for HEIs to improve the implementation of SD (ie. Access / participation in and successful completion of higher education for persons of underrepresented groups);
• Identify under-represented groups in higher education and,
• Develop the capacity to effectively address the challenges relating to the implementation of SD in partner countries.
The survey included more than 50 students from different subject areas and years of study, 8 patients PCU.
Leader of work package: WUS Austria
U okviru radnog paketa I – „priprema“ i I faze istraživanja ERASMUS + projekta INCLUSION Univerzitet u Travniku ( Edukacijski fakultet i Fakultet za tehničke studije) dana 17.03.2017. godine organizovali su istraživanje ispitanika sprovedeno nad menadžmentom, nastavnim, tehničkim i adminstrativnim osobljem, te studentima.
Ciljevi radnog paketa (WP1- jačanje kapaciteta) su:
- Procijeniti postojeće stanje u pogledu provedbe socijalne dimenzija (SD) u BiH i Armenije s naglaskom na PCUs;
- Identificirati ulazne točke za VŠU kako bi se poboljšala provedba SD (tj. pristup / sudjelovanje u i uspješan završetak visokog obrazovanja za osobe nedovoljno zastupljenih grupa);
- Identificirati slabije zastupljene grupe u visokom obrazovanju i,
- Razviti kapacitete za učinkovito rješavanje izazova koji se odnose na provedbu SD u parterskim zemljama.
U anketi je učestvovalo preko 50 studenata različitih studijskih smjerova i godina studija, 8 PCU ispitanika.
Lider radnog paketa: WUS Austrija