Predstavnice Univerziteta u Travnika u okviru projekta Erasmus+ INCLUSION, Mr. Maja Đurić, Mr. Dijana Rađo i Amna Tuzović boravile su tri dana na treningu u Belgijim, juni 2018. Cilj je bio steći kompetencije u okviru inkluzivnog učenja i podučavanja vezano za izgradnju kapaciteta visokog obrazovanja i izgradnje socijalnih dimenzija za inkluzivne grupe studenata.

Pored ideja za praktični trening u sklopu radnog paketa 3 koji se odnosi na razvoj master planova i vodića za inkluzivno učenje i podučavanje, parteri projekta imali su priliku da uče i usavršavaju vještine koje im mogu pomoći u digitalizovanju i lakšem pristupu za obuku nastavnog kadra iz ove oblasti. Ideja je bila da se u danima boravka snime edukativni klipovi prema poglavljima koje su institucije/partneri prethodno pripremili za inkluzivni vodić.

Tehnički i fizički resursi na KULeven uz pomoć partnera Univerziteta UCLL Leuven Belgija bili su potpunosti obezbjeđeni, te su pomogli sa obukom i usavršavanjem na polju pripremanja edukativnih klipova. Inače, digitalizacija nastavnog procesa u zemljama EU postaje sve popularnija, tako da je tim Edukacijskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Travniku u potpunosti uživao u učenju i kreativnom radu koji je pomogao poboljšanju preformansi u budućem napretku inkluzivnog nastavnog procesa.




Representatives of the University of Travnik within the Erasmus + INCLUSION project, Mr. Maja Đurić, Mr. Dijana Rađo and Amna Tuzović spent three days in training in Belgium in June 2018. The main goal was to acquire competences within inclusive learning and teaching related to the capacity building in higher education and building social dimensions for inclusive group of students.

In addition to the idea of ​​practical training within Work Package 3, which refers to the development of master plans and guideliness for inclusive learning and teaching, project participants have had the opportunity to learn and develop skills that can help them in digitization and easier access to teaching staff from this authorities. The idea was to record educational videos in the days of the sessions according to the chapters previously prepared by the institutions/partners for the Inclusive learning and teaching guideliness.

Technical and physical resources at KULeven, with the help of partner UCLL Leuven Belgium, were fully provided and assisted in the preparation of educational clips. Otherwise, digitization of the teaching process in the EU countries is becoming more popular, so the Faculty of Education-University of Travnik has completely enjoyed learning and creative work that has helped to improve the performance in the future progress of the inclusive teaching process.